The Adventures of Phil and Dave in Haganistan 3

Grymm Meanderings

I know. We said the Phil and Dave strips would just be for Fridays. These things happen. I just can't work four days at a hayride, devote two entire days of the three I have free to make proper full Walruses, and make head way on commissions before having to go back in for another four day stretch of hayride work. I just can't. It's not physically possible. So, considering that the hayride and commissions are paid work and the Walrus is not, I have to de-prioritize full Walrus pages for a while. But hey, you still get Phil and Dave! And that's a lot more than some other, more successful webcomics can give you when their creators get excessively busy. Yes, that was me being catty. Just because.  

0 thoughts on “The Adventures of Phil and Dave in Haganistan 3

  1. Yay for comic creators that grace us with explanations and have standards of product.

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