Kill Your Heroes 6: Science Can Do Anything, Except When It Cannot

Grymm Ramblings

Have you heard about Welcome to Night Vale yet, Walrus Embracers? I keep meaning to mention it here, but somehow it keeps slipping my mind. Maybe the Sheriff's Secret Police are responsible. Welcome to Night Vale is a podcast. A glorious podcast. A glorious podcast that seems almost suspicious in its glory. Not only is it one of the very, very few things I've ever encountered where I've realized that I am indeed its target demographic, but it feels like it could very easily be taking place in the same world as Voodoo Walrus itself. I've already infected the rest of the Walrus team and a good chunk of those who dare to follow my personal Facebook account. I think a great many of you would find great enjoyment in it as well. In other news, I hope everyone's ready to settle in and enjoy some Kaboodles action, because we're going to be sticking with the Science Badger's shenanigans for a few pages. Oh. And I guess Mirth too. Kind of. What's left of Mirth anyway. Sorry Mirth. AND NOW, THE WEATHER.

0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 6: Science Can Do Anything, Except When It Cannot

  1. My feelings! They hurt! Poor Mirth!

  2. My cardiac organ – how it stings. Stings so much. *preemptively drains flask*

    And yeah, really missed Kaboodles. And his fascinating little toys.

  3. That stabby, taser-thing has teeth. I’m sad for Mirth but have faith she’ll get better (I don’t think the Guys would run my heart through the wringer just yet).

  4. Any chance Mirth still has Batman the Beholder hanging around in her room? *hopes*

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