34: San Diego Confidential Part Four

Archival post of an old comic.

6 thoughts on “34: San Diego Confidential Part Four

  1. Being at the bottom of the Ocean I would suggest a tidal hydro-electric generator.
    And look it’s still a little evil when small fishes get caught in the blades.

  2. how is this cheap? ANY other organic matter to throw in the furnace would be cheaper.

    1. Now now, he never explained how he goes about acquiring the babies. Ya can’t judge unless ya have all the facts. And when Cyradwee’s involved… well… You don’t really want to know all the facts. Plus, he tried using a ocean life furnace, but the smell did funny things to his sinuses.

  3. what the fuck is wrong with you? its your imagination that dreamed this sick shit up so its you i’ll judge not some stupid character. your comic lacks continuity and some pages are almost beyond comprehension. I read web comics every damn day and i donate A LOT of money but this is as far as i will go in your comic. I hope you have kids soon so you can figure out why this is so offensive and if you already have kids then i hope their minds survive your parenting.

  4. I take it the red text in the black bubbles aren’t important and therefore are not required to be read to follow the story. Rules may be made to be broken but that one has a practical foundation. It’s illegible. Life’s too short, seriously.

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