Eye’s Wide Open 3: Memories Best Left Repressed

Grymm Ramblings

Long time readers will remember the First Great Hiatus of Voodoo Walrus that marked the end of the black and white pages and the eventual start of the full color pages. There were some readers that were not happy with the fact that we never concluded the story of the guys making a movie with Cyradwee. There are readers that have always been a little frustrated that when next they saw Mac she was on an anti-VW crusade. But now we've finally gotten to the point in the story where we can start filling in those gaps. Just a bit. Hey. Wanna know a secret? That whole Hobogeddon story? The first appearance of Mirth? The guys having Doc blow up the world? There's always been more to that too. There's a lot to look forward to! If you want to help support our crazy, please become a patron over on our Patreon. Even a dollar a month will get you patron only monthly content.

0 thoughts on “Eye’s Wide Open 3: Memories Best Left Repressed

  1. Yes!…. Maybe? I don’t know. Meh.

    In related news in a DND session I was running one of my players was hit by a hallucinogenic drug and was seeing inflatable cows talking orcish to him.

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