Entropy 101 5: New Comic Day Is A Very Dangerous Day

Grymm Ramblings

Whenever it comes to school and comic books, I have two very different, distinct memories. The first was elementary school, fourth grade. By that point mine and CreepKnight's friendship had been well cemented over me being able to draw and us hating everyone around us. That was the point he decided to induct me into the world of comic books and the X-Men cartoon. At that point, my only comic book experience laid in the realm of the Archie run of Ninja Turtle comics*. So CreepKnight and a mutual friend of ours spent countless lunch time hours tutoring me on everything that was X-Men and confusing the almighty fuck out of me. Eventually I got into the cartoon, but it would be another four years before I got into the comics. Yet, just through association, the resident assjack bully of the class targeted all three of us to mock for reading comics. Yes, that's right folks! Back in the early '90's reading comics was so uncool to the max. Topsy turvy times, I tell you. Some how the endless mocking comments resulted in us meeting with the guidance counseler who suggested we embrace our love for comics with pride and throw it back in the guys face. The entire time I was sitting there and attempting to interject with "Actually, I don't even really care about comics that much one way or another. Why am I here? What did I do? Why doesn't this school have recess like my last school?" After that everything goes fuzzy, but I did fake going batshit crazy on the assjack guy like five years later and start screaming quotes from Dad on The Critic at him until he just disappeared one day. The other comic/school memory I have is senior year in high school after I discovered the wonder of Jhonen  Vasquez' comics and habitually dragged my JTHM, Squee, and I Feel Sick books to math class to read and exchange with Vensik who had been carrying a loadout of Roman Dirge books. Good times, good times. So, not much point here. Just random thoughts. Enjoy the comic. We'll be back next week.

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*Don't laugh, the Archie TMNT comics were basically the result of what happens when you start with the '80's cartoon canon, then deviate wildly into a world of giant, flying decapitated cow heads used for intersteller travel, demonic business men calling forth the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and Hitler's brain in a jar which is wired to a death-bot.

0 thoughts on “Entropy 101 5: New Comic Day Is A Very Dangerous Day

  1. I love the way Rip gets more and more donkey-like as the page goes on.

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