After Wrath 2: Did She Show You Any of That Japanese Stuff Yet?

Grymm Ramblings

I really like how the art on this page turned out. I'm proud of it. Which is a rare occurrence where I'm concerned. Nothing further to report for now. There's stuff to be done. If I can overcome the urge to just draw Bowler and Ona kinkiness. No no. Patience Grymm. Someone will commission you for that eventually. Just wait.

0 thoughts on “After Wrath 2: Did She Show You Any of That Japanese Stuff Yet?

  1. Yep, the only thing to be mad about is that Bowler was being petty though close second is the fact she’s really sucking at foreplay right now.

    1. S’true! Even after Ona’s already gone to the trouble of all that rope work and yet Bowler just answers her phone like it’s nothing.

      1. I’ve done denial scene’s like that. I like using my primary as a pillow to lean against while I sit on the internet looking at webcomics and dating sites and he’s in a straitjacket and other medical restraints.

  2. Very chill, CK.

    I know I should be rather more focused on other things, but why are “Pigships bombing Richmond”?

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