Drivin’ Miss Spooky 3

Grymm  Ramblings

Oh god. Where to begin, where to begin. We got a good bit of stuff to cover guys. Please stick with me here.

Okay. First off, this is a big announcement that I'd like you to read but I can't actually say it here for technical terms of service type reasons. So if ever you've wanted to help the Walrus but didn't have the money to buy merch or donate, then  please click this link, read the post it sends you to, and learn how you can help the Walrus maintain operating costs without having to pay a cent out of your pocket.

Now then. Next thing. If you've been an avid commenter for the past year or you've paid attention to the news posts, you might remember when we polled readers in regards to what music they link VW to in their minds. You might also remember talk of CreepKnight wanting to do an actual Voodoo Walrus soundtrack, or general comments made in reference to him singing "Fuck You" by Cee-lo Green. You might have even noticed the video he linked to in the comments for the previous page in which you could hear him singing and playing for a silk ribbon dancer.

Well, as of now we have a Voodoo Walrus Bandcamp page up which you can visit by going here. You can listen to to the stuff he already has up which is a mix of covers and pure originals. Eventually this is where an all original VW soundtrack will be offered up for sale. So if you hear something that's already up there that you like, think about downloading it and sending a few cents our way. Cheaper than a song on itunes and of infinitely greater skill.

Now. T-shirts. Unfortunately we never did get enough evidence of interest for the Tit Peddler design to warrant a pre-order. But it'll still be made available through Red Bubble. However to warrant the higher Red Bubble prices, we're going to add a bit to the design so you get a bit more for you buck. Expect that later this week or early next week. We'll announce it.

I guess that's all the important stuff. I don't know. Its late. I'm writing this at 9:32 last night. We've lost our backlog due to me working on commissions and I've spent the day checking out the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Picasso exhibit with Bowler. Fascinating exhibit. Laughably scoff worthy audio guide full of people trying hard to sound as if they're experts on the meanings of things. Surprisingly tasty first time eating Indian food afterwards. Its hot and muggy and my skin it sticking to my desk and I need to work on Friday's linework. So I'm gonna go. Remember: Check out that first link to an extra news post cause it'll tell you how to help the Walrus for free. Then check out CK's music at the new bandcamp site.

0 thoughts on “Drivin’ Miss Spooky 3

  1. Yes sweetie you eat them. Not make pod people outta them. When you do that you end up with people like me. Tart and prickely.

    1. ?!

      1. Okay I am not a good example. Then I will remind you of your last attempt to make fruit into people. Remember good old Bob Dole? (Insert pineapple joke here).

  2. Those shady frenchmen/mimes creep me out almost as much as yard gnomes and that’s saying something.

  3. Is it just me or are the shady Frenchman getting…bigger? The last one was a bit scrawny…LE GASP! Is there a burglary and or kidnapping a foot!

  4. The badger went along because they were taking to long in getting his crispy…..

  5. Frenchmen… I rarely like the French. They’re so… prissy. I want to beat them with a baguette full of nails.

    1. You and I get along marvelously for a reason good sir. This is one of the many. Shall I bake you a fresh Baguette that you might put nails through it and beat the french silly?

      1. No need, my lady – I’m a competent baker myself. Speaking of, I should probably pull that Mormon missionary out of the oven. I love it when they turn that lovely golden-brown…

    2. I would like to agree with your ideas. But your methodology in this instance is flawed. Their French, is a form of foreplay. You would have to use something they would consider vile. bbq pork sandwiches come to mind.

      1. True enough – one must not only hurt them, but offend their ungodly sensibilities as well. Reuban sandwiches? The sauerkraut might just make them combust.

        1. Ngh….Rueben and old fashioned Kraut. Either that or give me a nice hot, meaty home roasted pork butt~ that’ll knock them off their feet. Literally.

  6. My my, so much hatred for the French! You all should know that Bowler is partially French. Like a seventh French from her mom’s side.

    1. Its the full French, not part french, I am part French myself. I dislike pure French, from France, without dilution…I have met some of them, they are snooty. And snooty is not nice nor fun.

      1. I’m German….its in my blood to hate the french…just saying…..

        1. Countryman! Good to see other Deutsche around.
          It’s not so much hate with me, its just that they act completely opposite to Germans. Fashion over spine. Form over function. Champagne over beer.
          It’s grating. And Jerry Lewis isn’t funny.
          Somewhere between the insults and the food – you just want to hit them.

    2. I’m Portuguese so I could really give a crap less about the French. We tend to ignore everyone until you piss us off..and then usually we merely put you back in your place before we go back to ignoring you. Though my step mother is full bloodied French…and she did tell me that wearing black nail polish makes me a whore….so maybe I do dislike them a little bit

      1. Huh. Guess I’m a whore then. I wonder why no one thought to mention this to me before?

        1. I know right. You’d think that with side effects like turning you into a whore they’d put warnings on the bottle or something.

  7. I love the French. They gave me things like toast and fries. Plus, there was that time where I accidentally rewrote history and was the Queen of France for 3 months until SOMEONE had to go knock over and break my reality subterfuge machine and make things go back to the way they are now. *poignant stare at CreepKnight*

    1. To be fair, the reality machine WAS having adverse effects on other aspects of existence. Like replacing my drawing hand with a hook. And making chocolate taste like Mountain Dew.

      1. Well, of course it did. I love pirates with hook hands and hate chocolate. But, I see your point.

    2. *shrugs* Next time don’t throw tomatoes at me when I serenade you from beneath your bedroom window.

      1. He’s right you know…you should have thrown enraged cats at him instead. They’re much more effective and leave a lasting impression.

        1. And I so thought you were on my side…

        2. Well I’m not really against you either. I mean if she’s going to throw something at someone she may as well do it proper like. I never said that I agreed with her response to you attempting to serenade her from beneath her bedroom window I was merely giving her helpful advice for the path she took.

  8. Greetings All!

    If you haven’t been to the Voodoo Walrus Bandcamp site yet, you should go there… NOW!!! Listen to my music!!! Tell me how much it sucks!!! Be amazed at my aural suckage!!!

    1. Hey, I enjoyed it. I just was keeping quiet because I suck up to the two of you enough as it is. I try to fangirl in moderation.

      1. *snorts* My lady, though you try to moderate your actions, your base fangirl overides such consideration. May I suggest just giving in to your fangirl side?? It fun to watch.

      2. I enjoyed it to but I’m with Akonite fangirling in moderation is the proper thing to do. You fangirl too much and then you wind up with restraining orders and labels like ‘stalker’ and ‘psycho’ and ‘that-creepy-chick-who’s-always-digging-through-my-trash’.

        1. Don’t forget “Why is that girl still staring and why hasn’t she blinked?” creepy.

        2. Two interesting facts about CreepKnight:

          1) He doesn’t know how to spell “retsainring order,” let alone how to file one.

          2) Anyone who stares at CreepKnight for too long will find themselves locked in a contest of never ending wills that will involve him making funny faces and lood gestures in your general directions.

          In other words… BRING. IT. ON!!!

          This message brought to you by the CreepKnight Takes Any Statement Challenging His Psychological Fortitude As a Challenge and Will Therefore Continue To Bring Misery Upon Himself for the Rest of His Life” Foundation, a not-for-profit charity.

      3. Screw moderation. I don’t come here to be ‘fair-minded optimist guy’ – I come here to be my unrelenting self.
        Be a fan-girl. I’ve been fan-ing the Walrus for a year, works fine for me.

        1. Oh my dear man my unrelenting self causes men’s heads to explode and children to run screaming in the streets whilst their mothers throw stones and self-help books at me. I avoid it when ever possable…unless I need the makings of a camp fire.

        2. And all I get is lit torches and 12-gauge ammunition. I’m envious.

    2. It’s good. Good enough that my ghoul-butlers have started spontaneously weeping. They weep for feeling. Continue, sir.

      1. Now I’m wondering how many pages of comments have at some point led to threads concerning people or things weeping or sobbing. This seems to be the second or third time, but that suggests there’s probably been at least a few other occasions.

      2. Also, completely off topic. I think you’ll find this interesting. Deep in the bowels of the industrial, clanking machine that is our admin control of the website there are things that keep track of what search engine queries bring people to the Walrus from the engine of there choice. Every few months a single query of “how to pronounce Marchosias” pops up.

        1. I’m… honored? Your mysterious machines, and the innate curiosity of the Walrus community has at least twice before thrown this question to the fore.
          To dispel any questions, my name is pronounced “March-o-‘C’-ass” pronounced quickly, or with great trepidation.

        2. Always nice to know I can actually pronounce things correctly. But there is a greater Emphasis on the C is it good sir?

        3. Right~ than I wasn’t that far off. I tend to pronounce the C with a normal emphasis. I’ll nudge that up a bit~

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