Entropy 101 10: Session 2

0 thoughts on “Entropy 101 10: Session 2

  1. His hygene never did recover from the onset of puberty did it? Not that we’ve been shown what he looked like before puberty to confirm the theory that he had hygene when other people were responsible for it.

    1. One could almost theorize that Rook! wasn’t so much born as he simply congealed by way of determination and spite for his future enemies.

      1. Ugh.. the idea of sentient, congealed grease is the newest creepy and gross thing I didn’t want to think about and I just got done playing a friend’s custom game of Cards Against Humanity.

  2. So Rook did grow from … something. I always assumed he crawled from some primordial sewer and learned to mimic the shape and form of a man. Good to know.

    Kill it with fire.

    1. Unfortunately, Rook!’s body secretes a special kind of grease that actually refuses to burn. It also leaves a cheetoh dust like residue on anything it touches.

      1. In that case, maybe killing it with lye is an option?

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