Wrath of Con 42: This Title Has a Double Meaning

The Walrus Speaks.

So... A question. Who enjoys Bowler, Mirth, Ona, zaniness, fetish wear, and/or burlesque themed outfits? If any of that sounds interesting, you're definitely going to want to check in with us next week. Now, concerning this week's pages though. In case you're curious, all the art in the backgrounds of today and this past Tuesday's page are all pieces from Grymm "Surrealis Grymmoire" project. You can find find all of the twenty-some-odd pages he's done of the project so far at his DevArt account. They're ever all collected in a nice folder for the sake of convenience. The Surrealis Grymmoire They're also available as glossy prints. But you're going to have to email Grymm directly at for purchase details if you're interested.  

0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 42: This Title Has a Double Meaning

  1. Two minions escaped and it wasn’t through death?? What the hell?? Is the dark mistress loosing her touch? *Sighs* This is why you put microbombs in their necks with infrared security fences. No escape. Geesh.

    1. Is she? Or are Phil and Dave just… special?

  2. I’m guessing that the all caps thing is a discworld reference?
    if it is, awesome!

  3. Robbie Quattrocchi

    Is Diamanda really a giantess? You made her hands almost as big as Sheerm’s?

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