Revenge of Captain Thud 15: Conclusions, Cacti, and Kittehs


Wanna see something awesome? CreepKnight and Grymm were recently interviewed by!

Check out the madness to which we subjected Marron!

Musings of a CreepKnight

Dear Readers, 1) Welcome to the End of the Revenge of Captain Thud. We hope you've enjoyed the ride as much as we have. Now prepare yourselves for the eight month long epilogue replete with symbolism, allusions, and other unnecessary literary devices! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Never trust a Liechtensteiner. Ever. 2) Yes it has been ungodly hot outside. Yes, on occasion, this has affected my mood. Yes, those rumors about me screaming in the streets of Richmond dressed as Quasimodo are true. Yes, I was pleading for sanctuary. No, I am not that ugly. No, I do not live in a belt tower. No, we do not have a supercomputer that tracks down the addresses of all of our readers. No, I will not come to your home in the middle of the night and subject you to a rousing aria from La Boheme. Or Rent. No, I do not hate you all, despite some accusations made by a few that were sent to me directly with images of dead puppies attached. I hate them now, but for an entirely different reason (no one shows me dead puppies and gets away with it MY REVENGE IS AT HAND!!!). 3) If you don't get the reference above, go read the February 13, 2008 strip of R.K. Milholland's Something Positive <Alan Moore vs Death> (if you don't already). This is perhaps one of the top five greatest moments in web comics history. 4) My first twice yearly posting obligation is finished. GO BUY A T-SHIRT!!! Send Sara Lee, Villemous Q. CreepKnight, PhD.

3 thoughts on “Revenge of Captain Thud 15: Conclusions, Cacti, and Kittehs

  1. I await your new story-arc like a man outside your window at night, huffing and panting as he balances on his ladder, who was entirely not me. I applaud Marron for braving the oddity and coming away largely unscathed. Her writing appeases my draconian requirements for good writing. Many have failed this, to their fatal detriment, but never has one so attractive surpassed it. I am in awe. And pudding, but that isn’t my fault.

  2. The new storyline is indeed something to look forward to. And once we’ve subjected our readers to our epic length epilogue to Captain Thud, then we shall begin! It shall be both a drastic departure from the norm and more of everything that we do so very well.

  3. I saw the green day rock opera, it had a celloist! Cellist? A woman playing a giant goddam viola between her legs!

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