Eye’s Wide Open 27: GYIT ‘EM

Grymm Ramblings

Not much to say this week folks. Next comic is coming along very slowly so there's no new Patreon previews yet. However a new CreepKnight vs Crow did go up there last week if you dare step into THAT horror cellar. Also of note, you can thank Ninja Sex Party for being my entertainment while arting this page. Specifically their new Mansion Party video. God I love the animation for it so much. So good. So fucking good. Good lord. We're like maybe only six of seven pages away from this whole story arc being done. Unbelievable. We're beaten, we're bloody, but the finish line is in sight and we're limping there with all our power. We love you all.

0 thoughts on “Eye’s Wide Open 27: GYIT ‘EM

  1. Holy crap…. Rook did something kinda right!…. Now reload, vent that gun or whatever you need to fire again before you relax, let your guard down and have your entrails removed from your left nostril!

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