The Revenge of Captain Thud 14: Don’t Blame Them, Blame Whiny Melodramatic Posers and Drama Whores Everywhere

Grymm Ramblings

CreepKnight's "Then, no." in the first panel accompanied by the facial expression I gave him very much makes me think of Doug Walker AKA That Guy With The Glasses, AKA the Nostalgia Critic when he's being a sarcastic, condescending asshole. In other words, glorious. Maybe this is my subconscious reacting from the fact that all my entertainment while working recently has been generated by The Critic, The SpoonyOne, and Linkara. Anyway... We never actually caused the accidental devastation of Wichita. I promise you that. No. We only accidentally caused the light irradiation that still plagues the state of North Idaho to this day. That's why we were banned from ever stepping foot back in there. Be it in real life or in fictional form. Its a shame too. I really wanted to kidnap one of the now gigantic, sentient potatoes, and create the most awesome extra loaded baked potato ever.(Hint: Food tastes better when it comes from things capable of thought and movement.) Be back here next Tuesday when we wrap up The Revenge of Captain Thud!

One thought on “The Revenge of Captain Thud 14: Don’t Blame Them, Blame Whiny Melodramatic Posers and Drama Whores Everywhere

  1. Nicely done. Apocalyptic destruction you don’t plan is always the best kind. The kind you remember. The kind you can stand up in court and say you didn’t plan, nor did you intend to do anything of the sort, and that you’ve never harbored any ill will towards the denizens of a city, population, or attendants of a Renaissance Fair.

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