Tea and Apathy

Grymm Ramblings

I don't even know any more man. CreepKnight called me at midnight last night babling something about jackers and giggling insanely. I check my email and found the above strip there. Pulsing with some ungodly power. Next thing I knew it was 3am and Mirth was poking me with a stick and saying that I've been skinning weasels for the past hour while talking in tongues. I think CreepKnight's fucked with the natural order or something. If the sun doesn't rise where you are today, blame/thank/praise him for it. All I know is that I fucking love this strip.

3 thoughts on “Tea and Apathy

  1. I <3 the badger's internal monologue. Just FYI.

    1. P.S. He did it! Hooray!

      1. Hooray indeed! Also, kudos to you for having an intriguing email addy.

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