After Wrath 3: Rock Star Mentality

Grymm Ramblings

Looking over this for like the third time since the lettering was laid down, I have to say this is another damn fine page. I think this is definitely the best rendition of Billy the Devil yet. This shall be the superlative design for him from hence forth. That said, this probably continues my trend of not having a solid design for a Voodoo Walrus character down until their fifth or sixth appearance. Though honestly, Billy's first appearance was pretty spot on.  

0 thoughts on “After Wrath 3: Rock Star Mentality

  1. For the record, I really love drawing Billy the Devil. Actually, I think I just really enjoy drawing horns in general. Either way.

  2. Billy looks like he COULD be charming but just doesn’t feel like it today. I love that he’ll serve you vice whether it’s caffeinated or alcoholic.

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