Eye’s Wide Open 11: Ginger Rage 3 – The Final Throwdown

Grymm Ramblings

Be a lurve chasm, a void hole, or a reality converging rift portal, you can always trust Phil and Dave will find themselves getting flung into it! Still flailing along here. The comic after next has been kicking the crap out of my hands despite taking shortcuts. It should all be worth it though. I'm past the worst of the linework phase now fortunately. If you want to keep up with comic progression, feel free to check out the Walrus Patreon! Bonus comic stuff will be going up soon too. I think there's a CreepKnight versus Crow rolling out in a couple days!  

0 thoughts on “Eye’s Wide Open 11: Ginger Rage 3 – The Final Throwdown

  1. Rook sadly waves goodbye with one hand as they got flung away… as this was the most action he had seen in years

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