The Next Morning 5 -or- Why CreepKnight Always Has a Headache

Musings of a CreepKnight

This Tuesday comic is brought to by a combination of sleep deprivation, lack of nicotine, and gross cabin fever brought about by the 14 inches of snow on the ground here in FUCKING VIRGINIA! Jeezy Creezy, this is the American South for crying out loud, where during the summers it gets testical stick warm, not where we have winters where the snow measures in feet! Whoever the hell did this (and rest assured that I will find out) needs to quit it some time really soon, as the forecast is calling for another foot this weekend. Allow me to impress upon you, our faithful readers, that daddy cannot operate without sustainable amounts of caffeine and baked goods. So collect your hair dryers and blow torches and get to work on my friggin driveway.

In other news: the music of Roy Orbison currently haunts my dreams. First it was just a little Blue Bayou and Oh, Pretty Woman. But now... it's Dean Stockwell lip synching in dreams and Only the Lonely inlaid over nightmares of H.R Giger arachnid aliens.

And people wonder why I hate everything; even the things I enjoy keep me from peace.

CreepKnight out.

Grymm Ramblings

Heylo folks and folkettes. Today's the end of the "Next Morning" story arc. Come back Friday for when we swing the focus away from chaos and onto belligerent evil-doings.

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