A Clockwork Drag Queen 1

Grymm Ramblings

Hey folks, Grymm here. Obviously. Been a while since I've had anything meaningful to say here. Haven't had a lot of time as of late. Technically I still don't, but I'm procrastinating on certain things currently and multi-tasking on others. We're gonna get away from Shmeerm for a while and check on other goings-on in the city. Specifically the Cafe Tesla. If you're familiar with the archives, you'll know that the Cafe Tesla has actually been mentioned numerous times such as being Bowler's place of employment and the distributor of some of the horrible caffeinated beverages that fuel Grymm and CreepKnight's comic brainstorming sessions. It was also the location of CreepKnight's birthday back in THIS strip. See how much I love you all? Looking back through the archives just to cobble together links for you? I'm awesome like that. Also, oddly enough, Cafe Tesla is actually very, very loosely based on an actual club in Richmond. Not in such a way that anyone will recognize it, but still. A wee bit of inspiration was taken. See ya Friday!

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