Eye’s Wide Open 6: Secret Sexy Weapons

Grymm Ramblings

Hey everyone! Want to help shape Voodoo Walrus history? Now's your chance! Over on our Patreon, we're running a special poll to figure to help design Mirth's father! Feel free to throw your strangely ambulatory hat into the polling action and reap the additional rewards of being a Walrus patron! Vote now and choose the form of the DADstroyer!

0 thoughts on “Eye’s Wide Open 6: Secret Sexy Weapons

  1. Lord gyrmm’s life is both horrible and wonderful in equal parts.

    1. Dunno. Grymm’s currently either a battery or a gateway for this. CK is probably feeling a smidge better.

    2. You’re not wrong.

  2. BrickJAK BouncerPants

    Any plan that involves boobs and not losing your hat is best plan.

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