The Next Morning 3 or “Stem Cells = Bacon”

Grymm Ramblings

We're not even completely joking on this one folks. They're actually working on turning pig stem cells to meat. Check it out! So of course we had to celebrate this fact even FURTHER. That's right. We made a new T-Shirt design available in honor of SCIENCEBACON and have shoved it up into our small, yet bristly, stable of designs. All for you! Also.. we made it 50% more offensive to certain demographics than was necessary. BlasphemousTShirt Or if that' a bit too much for your heart, check out the classic Voodoo Walrus or Eldritch Top Hat T-Shirts! Unlike they're new sibling, they're both T-Shirts you can wear to church and still manage to get funny looks, without having to worry about anything worse befalling you. ... We're so going to hell.

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