Wrath of Con 19: Seriously, We Really Don’t Know Any Fake Spanish

The Walrus Speaks

They're really getting some good use out of that horrible truck thing. That original Mirth artwork from last week is still available for purchase. Check THIS POST for details. However, this will might be the last week it'll be up for grabs. After that, it may be squirreled away into the physical archives.   The Volume 1 Voodoo Walrus PDF collects the B&W era and Hobogeddon along with exclusive art and extras that will never be available anywhere else. It carries a price tag of just $10 and every cent of purchase goes to site costs and the material costs that help create each page! As always, it's all for you!

0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 19: Seriously, We Really Don’t Know Any Fake Spanish

  1. Again with the ex-wife jokes!!
    I DO and at the same time DON’T want to know what she looks like!

    1. I’d imagine she looks something like a fat, female Shmeerm. Just thinking out loud here.


  2. Wait…those are the stand in heroes? *facepalm*

    1. I know right? One would think that T-Square would be at least a little more reliable than that.

  3. So… Was he wearing his squeaky mask? Or wads it a squeaky key? Or was it some weird squeak STD he picked up from his gross wife?


    1.  It’s made of rubber. They were going swimming after all!

  4. It feels like it’s been a while since the last one of those jokes.

    1.  Indeed. I’m pretty sure the last time was some point last year!

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