Extra Credit 42: Conditional Surrender

Grymm Ramblings

So let's get this out of the way real quick;

I'm having a lot of fun with extra comics and stuff on the VW Patreon currently. And most of it's actually free*! The 51st entry of CreepKnight War Wisdoms has recently been posted. There's also been some neat insights into deep VW lore by way of Cast Confessionals.

This week is a great time to pop over there since there'll be daily updates with comic progress previews today and Friday, Cast Confessionals on Tuesday and Thursday, and on Wednesday there's going to be a very special CreepKight vs. Crow comic about putting aside differences to conquer overwhelming threats.

Now on to more important matters:


Seriously. Just fuckin' watch it. It's a blast. It's firing neurons that I thought life and circumstance had murdered long ago. It's exactly the cup of refreshing cold brew that my dark, bitter heart has long needed from a Marvel IP.

Hell, watching it has even been the deciding factor in me finally getting back into the books and starting the Krakoa era of comics.

I'm thinking I might do a more in depth explanation of all the ways I love it during an art video soon. Probably when I start Extra Credit 44 since the next page is actually almost done. It'll get linked to on the VW Facebook page and in the newspost of the next page when it happens though.

And that's it this time around folks. Until next time... Follow the Facebook. Check in on the Patreon. Summon questionable entities from the void and inflict the existence of Gramma Eyepatch upon them.

I believe in you.

0 thoughts on “Extra Credit 42: Conditional Surrender

  1. Hmmm, shouldn’t those guys have multiple bite marks and be missing a few pieces?

    1. Honestly, they should not only have chunks missing, but globs of Office Drone viscera should be caked on them as well. Originally I was going to have an entire drone head with its jaws clamped around one’s leg. All too often I sacrifice the bizarre and unsettling for the sake of timeliness.

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