The Adventures of Phil and Dave in Haganistan 5

Unless you're in a wonderful place where you're able to avoid any and all news sources (or you live somewhere that the news doesn't give a shit about the USA), you've probably heard about Hurricane Sandy and it's attempts to clumsily grope, fondle, and dry hump the east coast of the US recently. Also, let's not forget that we here at Voodoo Walrus, are smack dab in the middle of Virginia which itself is kind of there in the middle of the east coast. Suffice to say, we're all watching the weather reports closely. Especially since they seem to change every two hours or so. "Oh god. CK let Grymm do the news post and now he's being all goddamn wordy." Okay. Let's keep it simple then. Nasty hurricane on it's way. Not sure what it's going to do. All predictions are BAD. Power outages likely. As you're reading this, we may already have lost power here and are attempting to ride out the destruction hoping that trees, wind, and gravity don't decide to engage in a murderous orgy of death and kill us or our property. Friday's Walrus might be a bit late. As in not there at all. But we'll see what we can do. In the meantime, enjoy the continuing exploits of Phil and Dave.  

0 thoughts on “The Adventures of Phil and Dave in Haganistan 5

  1. I wish you luck. Stay inside if you can and do any basic hurricane prep you suspect you’ll need. Hurricanes don’t like cold ocean water so it won’t be too awful but you live in an area that isn’t used to them and a Hurricane can spawn tornadoes.

    Poor Dave, he deserves a “poor impulse control” tattoo but is on the opposite end of the threat level spectrum that implies

  2. Stay safe guys. Hoard clean water in the tub while you can.

    Poor materializing bear – he can only contend with Phil and Dave’s on again – off again cycle of love and weeping fear so long. He knows the end is coming, but he’s a sucker. A sucker for love and livers.

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