How To Make a Comic Five: Who Does What Now?

Musings of a CreepKnight

For a couple of years now, Grymm and I have talked about doing a switcheroo of sorts, with me drawing a comic and him writing it. Pressed for time this week, we decided to just that. This is the end result.

We'd like to take this moment to apologize for any artistic sensibilities we may offend. Hope everyone had a happy Halloween.

Grymm Ramblings

Blame Creepy Hollow. This is all Creepy Hollow's fault. We'll make it up to you later this week with tight clothes and unconventional use of intravenous caffeine.

0 thoughts on “How To Make a Comic Five: Who Does What Now?

  1. UMM think you guys got your holidays switched. This is the candy begging holiday, not the fool you holiday.

    1. Yeah, but we’ve been celebrating Halloween by way of working a haunted hayride and scaring people for well over half of October, not counting pre-season stuff. TODAY IS VACATION DAY. Now bring us bacon in bed and switch on the Coke and Mountain Dew* I.V.’s. Preferably by way of cute girls wearing nurse costumes**.

      *If anyone attempts to give me the Mountain Dew I.V., I will use what little adrenaline and post Creepy Hollow life I have left to kill them down to their very last cell and I will then drown that cell in the Mountain Dew before violently dying from the sawdust poisoning***.

      **Nurses in question need not necessarily be real nurses.

      ***Mountain Dew is 95% sawdust, 3% unused Kool-Aid mix, and 2% Scotsman piss. I know this because of science and the crippling allergies I experienced when tasting it that can only result from me being exposed to such things. You can trust me. I’m not a doctor.

      1. Mountain Dew is the drink of the gods. Bacon is burnt to a crisp and need to redo it. Coke is the foulest stuff on earth and will not be used for anything but polishing chrome. And the only nurse you get are Gwar plushies. But enjoy your vacation. Take plenty of rest. Cause knowing you guys it will be the last rest you take till tax day.

        1. Mountain Dew is the direct cause for the dinosaur genocide. They saw into the future and knew that one day the foul stuff would come into existence and murdered themselves so as they’d never have to see its creation come to pass.

          Dinosaurs are awesome. Mountain Dew is liquid sawdust.

        2. Once again you got it backwards. Coke killed of the T-Rex. They saw it’s coming into existence and said “Fuck between that and Barney we got nothing to live for. Fuck it mass suicide.” So by drinking Coke you are helping baby dinosaurs die. Now eat your food and rest while you can.

      2. Hahahaha! “vacation Day!” Wheheheeeeeeee!……..wagon, wagon,wagon,wagon,wagon…..

  2. It truly is horrible. Creepknight, you’re an excellent writer, and a decent singer and guitarist, but your art skills SUCK.

    1. Shush, you.

      1. Never. I SHALL NOT BE SILENCED!!!!!! And I was just pointing out that I agreed with him.

        Can’t be silenced? I don’t know about that…

        1. I didn’t know you guys could alter posts. I mean, I knew you could delete them altogether, you did that when I tried to change the name I use on here, but altering is new. Think you can make it so that we can edit posts we make? I can think of a few times in the past that would’ve been handy to be able to do.

        2. The Walrus has reached omnipotence! Huzzah!

          Huzzah indeed little Marchosias. Sing my praises.

  3. May you enjoy your rest and receive your respective caffeine fixes. I worked at a Halloween store for 2 days and missed any festivities related to this glorious holiday so I’m depressed.

  4. blah,blah,rent-a-cop for halloween, blah blah, no holiday pay. i’ve sait it a thousand fucking times. I hate my bosses.

    1. Murder their faces off and salt the wounds so that no faces may ever grow there again.

      1. I concur. But with a zippo lighter.

        1. Liquid nitrogen. Much more fun and makes that really cool crinkling sound like breaking glass when you hit them with a rubber mallet.

    2. I have a zippo…. I also have a buck knife… I can skin them whole… then burn the skin as they watch and i sprinkle them with lemon juice…

      1. For a properly tortured flayed being you have to go with citrus juices, salt, & cayenne pepper… this also makes a decent steak rub…go figure.

        1. Sounds like my baked chicken seasoning…

      2. Of course Dethklok’s Symmetry playing while cutting off the bosses faces will just add to the ambiance of the whole situation. give a good background to the screaming.

        1. Or some Grendel. Or maybe Absinthe Junk…
          A playlist for every occasion.

  5. mmmmm… I have a flat of cane sugar coke I’ll happily share.

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