The Revenge of Captain Thud 10: Interlude


Not entirely sure if we mentioned this before or not, but a while back we actually slashed a decent of chunk of the price off the t-shirts we have for sale through Red Bubble. Basically to the point of really selling them at cost (I think we might, MIGHT make almost a dollar of profit per shirt). Basically the realization set in that we'd much rather see people enjoying the shirt designs over making personal profit. After all... we profit off you showing off our genius on your sexy bodies and telling people where you got your awesome shirt at.

Actually, I think we might have said all this before. Oh well. Its worth repeating. Because our shirts are awesome. And you readers are awesome. So let's make a love connection of awesome!

Voodoo Walrus T-Shirts at Red Bubble

Grymm Ramblings

If you ever pondered what Bowler drives, ponder no longer. Obviously she cruises around in a VW micro bus. That or maybe its just here "Need to road trip to find Grymm and CreepKnight and hope they're not covered in human viscera and steak sauce again" type vehicle. You know, like a getaway car, but full of far more hostility.

I'm ridiculously proud of my art here and CK's wordsmithery. I decided to try my hand at being experimental with the coloring and make it a darker, night timey scene and I think it works fairly well for it being the first time I've attempted such. This is definitely one of the best pages yet. We fucking spoil you guys. I hope you appreciate it. We do it all for you, you know. The blood. The tears. The thousands upon thousands of Smurfs slaughtered by our Murder-o-Bots in an attempt to harvest enough blue goo to color today's page. The mini-Moutain Dew distillery we had to intravenously hook up to CreepKnight to keep him writhing and writing and to dampen his constant screams of fury and belligerence. All of the defenseless chickens butchered to keep my insatiable appetite for roasted, savory birdflesh sated just long enough for me to cease my hunts and draw. We love you all. Now don't you feel special? Just... ignore the screams...

One thought on “The Revenge of Captain Thud 10: Interlude

  1. I have indeed succumb to your requests and ordered a shirt. I am satisfied with its quality, and ability to send hapless children screaming. But you might want to keep an eye on your packaging system: I found a tiny Smurf cowering in the sleeve, mumbling about paint, and then crying hysterically. I’m sending him back UPS. Smurfs can subsist on raw meat, right? It wasn’t exactly prime hobo, but I didn’t insure the little bastard either.

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