The Greasy Spoon 7: Moving Right Along…

Grymm Ramblings

Bowler is referring to Jerry. Remember Jerry?

Of course you don't he's not worth remembering.

This time next week will mark the end of the Greasy Spoon arc! From there, we're barreling head first into the final major storyline of the year. It'll help to bring closure to plot elements we've been utilizing all through the year, and open up entirely new bags of plot. Like a confused old man opening that ancient tupperware dish that's been in the back of his fridge for years upon years. You know the one. You shake it and the contents sound both squishy and rock hard? And you're pretty sure they just growled a bit.And is it pulsing with a dull green glow? That's not right. That's not right at- AAAARRRRRGH FUCKIN' GRANDKIDS LEFT CTHULHU IN THE FRIDGE AGAIN AAAAARRRRRGH!

0 thoughts on “The Greasy Spoon 7: Moving Right Along…

  1. Hah! Best punch line ever — especially considering that I once went on a date with a guy that looked like Seth Rogen.

  2. I’m… I’m so sorry. So very sorry.

  3. I love you… seriously…If my world domination scheme pans out, you’ll want for nothing.

  4. Thank you! We can feel your love! It empowers us! It FUELS us! IT IS GLORIOUS! I’m-a gonna go use it to make the final page for this story arc!

    Also, just putting in a request now for my personal Italian chef and a custom Coca-cola recipe that is not detrimental to my health no matter how much of it I drink.

  5. Shall we start bidding on followers in the new world order? Those who join me shall have Original Coke, with healthy cane sugar. Also, immunity from prosecution, and an impossibly cute shoggoth pet-servant to bring them things and decapitate the neighbors.

    Ante up, Curator.

  6. I think impossibly cute is the correct description there… I don’t thin tentacles and slime can ever truly be classed as cute. So count me in; I wish to see this impossible creature 🙂

  7. I want original coke with lemon flavoring and healthy cocaine for that energizing kick

  8. Those who follow me, shall have the powers of a god, and the cock of a horse…except the ladies, well, unless they WANT the cock of a horse…then I can arrange that…

  9. Oh, and Grymm, you shall have a different Italian chef clone for every hour of the day, each specializing in 666 different dishes, and able to make thousands more… And with the powers of a God, No form of Coca cola will kill you, in any amount…

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