The Revenge of Captain Thud 5: Two Guys, a Truck, and a Pirate Ship

Musings of a CreepKnight

You know something? I have always loved pirates. Ever since I was a little kid: hanging out with a good buddy of mine in the Liechtensteinian Palace, playing Captain Blood in the gold lined swimming pool, tearing up priceless tapestries with my great-great-grandfather's old war dagger, pirates have always been something of a passion. So getting to do this storyline for me has been a real treat and I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am.

Also, we're coming up on the one year point since we launched this site, and I am proud as hell of that. Hopefully year two will bring you more of us in a variety of ways. We're currently working on a number of ideas to present to you guys to better show our appreciation and our desire to entertain you. If you feel at all grateful (not that you're obligated to) you should tell your friends about us. And by tell your friends I mean sit them in front of a computer, duct tape their eyes open, and force them to read through the entire archives.

Actually... you may want to wait on that. Just until we tell you to. Again.

Good things are coming...

2 thoughts on “The Revenge of Captain Thud 5: Two Guys, a Truck, and a Pirate Ship

  1. Ninjas really have taken a downturn in recent years. Once upon a time they walked in perfect shadow, and practiced the perfect art of killing folk. Now, they are barely henchmen, mowed down by high tensile hair and desert pirates. Oh, for the days of Hattori Hanzo and the lovely assassin hookers. *sigh* This must be righted. With rivers of blood. In the dark.

  2. See the problem here is that Cyradwee’s too cheap to employ REAL ninjas. If he was smart, he’d hire just one ninja. For as everyone knows, one ninja of their own is unstoppable. But the more ninjas you throw at someone, the less effective they are. A sad state of affairs really.

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