After Wrath 22: He’s Rip “Fucking” Flintlock, Bitch!

Walrus-ey Words of Wholesomey Goodness

Rip Flintlock is a bitch. That is all.

0 thoughts on “After Wrath 22: He’s Rip “Fucking” Flintlock, Bitch!

  1. *snickers* Controlling primal forces does not help you get laid.

    …though this does lead me to wonder whether Skelator was just Evil Lyn rebelling against daddy or he had something worth sticking around for because inept megalomaniac isn’t sexy and his voice would have resulted in me pushing him into an active volcano within an hour.

    1. Greater of two evils perhaps. Eternia always seems pretty bare bones as far as civilization went. You were either a goddamn goodie good and got to live amongst the high class and the royal family and such, or you just had to shack up with Ol’ Bone Daddy if you wanted to be anything less than a good, productive member of society. And in the manner of all 1980’s villain groups, I’m pretty sure she was biding her time to pull a Starscream.

  2. Swollen bolty eyebrows for the win.

    1. Looks a bit like a medical condition doesn’t it?

      1. …or a pokemon

        1. Wait…. What’s the difference?

        2. I don’t think I want to see what someone with a case of bulbasaurs looks like

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