Marronican Dream 3: Orientation

Grymm Ramblings

Its currently Sunday night/Monday morning as I write. Once I finish typing this post, this comic will be in the uploader and Friday's comic is already in the uploader as well. Its a very special one too. Its the start of the first ever Voodoo Walrus Christmas Special! We're celebrating the holiday the only way we know how: Madness, badgers, insane scientists, huge meat men, lasers, nightmares, and interesting though impractical clothing designs. So join us Friday as we pay tribute to Christmas and the birth of Frosty Claus. Or something like that.  

0 thoughts on “Marronican Dream 3: Orientation

  1. I salute you AND your christmas special!
    *Takes off my pants.*

    1. for the first time a damn long time…i think im a tad speechless….

  2. Yay stripey socks!

    On another note, I’m terrified of the things that can be implied by looking at the last half of this comic out of context

    1. Working as intended then!

  3. I’m with M.C. here… Speechless.

    1. Voodoo Walrus: Stealing your words, snatching your pants, and winning your heart since 1894!

      1. …1894? Why do I now see the two of you crashing Houdini’s wedding?

  4. Quick, burn step 131 before they can remember what they may or may not be going for!

  5. I don’t know what made me laugh harder, a gimp masked Lord CK trying to rip the pants off Grymm… or the million pants army.

    and since that all made me laugh there has got to be more wrong with me then a bottle half filled with redbull/sweet tea/ pepsi that is being slowly emptied by my mouth can fix but damn it that is what self medication via violent video games is for am I right my brothers and expecailly my sexy sweet sisters?

  6. I applaud you gentlemen. You have rendered me speechless with your arcane mastery of deadpan madness. Hats off to you, sirs.

    1. If only i had a hat to tip my glorious walrus but alas it has been stolen but i shall surrender my pants to thine greatness

  7. As an English guy the word ‘pants’ means basically male undergarments. Still bloody funny though.

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