The Revenge of Captain Thud 12: B’Witchita’in.

Grymm Ramblings

Hello you lovely, wonderful, generous, loving, gorgeous people out there. Are you properly buttered up yet? Right! Good! Time to toss you in the skillet then! Yes, its that time again for... *Flair of game show music* "Grymm and CreepKnight prod you for feedback!" As per usual, we're curious about the headspace of our readers. In this specific case, we want to know what you associate with Voodoo Walrus. For example, what other comics does VW remind you of? What kind of music? TV? Fancy pasta dish? We want to know where Voodoo Walrus falls in the rusty, crusty, greased stained rolodex of your mind. The very same rolodex where you think its crafty to hide the key to your liquor cabinet, but your secretary still knows its there and now you know where your rum keeps disappearing off to. You're welcome by the way. But no. Seriously. We want to know what you associate with Voodoo Walrus. Hell, even if its something completely out there like the shit your great gramma Ruth got up to back in Aught-eight. We're curious. Tell us. We're all ears* *We spent all last night cutting ears off sleeping vagrants to craft these ear suits. Oddly, CK still has to yell whenever he wants me to hear anything he says. That gypsy lied to us methinks.

11 thoughts on “The Revenge of Captain Thud 12: B’Witchita’in.

  1. Aww, the red outfit. You remembered. <3


  3. This was a LIGHT tag day!

  4. Voodoo Walrus reminds me of absolutely nothing at all. It’s completely unique which is exactly why I read it. There aren’t many strange and wonderous ideas left in the world and yet you have managed to create just that. So I take my hat off (both physically and metaphorically) to you, the creators, in apraisal and thanks for the magnificent (yet abstract) Voodoo Walrus

  5. Hmmm-
    Neil Gaimans’s ‘Fragile Things’
    Heironymus Bosch caricatures
    The urge to throw things at people on the street
    The Darkest of The Hillside Thickets
    The quadratic formula
    That part of my delicious and enigmatic personality that makes me machete-fy folk.

  6. Muleface: That actually helps a lot! You’re actually the second person to say how much they enjoy the Walrus because of how unique it is and we appreciate the hell out of it!

  7. Marchosias: Yep… we’re definitely having the right effect on your squishy, meaty brainmeats then! I especially dig the fact that we can make someone think of a band known for Lovecraftian nods.

  8. Warren Ellis
    Hunter S Thompson
    The man who created Conan shot himself in the face because he couldn’t face being gay
    The time a friend of mine and I snuck all over campus scrawling obscenities in elvish, pentagrams and diagrams from the dime store version of the necronomicon
    The invisibles

  9. Voodoo Walrus tends to remind me of the feelings of chaos and insanity I feel during a particularly bad fever that make it worth the runny nose and sore throat
    also is C.K. supposed to look like Alex from Clockwork Orange
    because if so that is incredible Good on you

    1. That’s exactly who he’s supposed to look like. We’re big Clockwork Orange fans here at Voodoo Walrus Productions.

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