Entropy 101 29: Impending Extinction Event

Grymm Ramblings Here's a random assortment of things that I can't remember if they got post here, to the Facebook page, to my Twitter, or such. So for everyone convenience, I shall now toss them up here. -We're currently waiting on Project Wonderful to approve the new URL for ad boxes. Once that happens the PW ads will be back. However, there will be fewer this time around. Probably only three or four as opposed to the seven we were running before. -The old URL is now officially gone from our hands and we have no easy way to reclaim it. It's really not worth getting into. It's not worth worrying about. It has no value. Only the comic has value. This is our home now. -On the to do pile right now there may or may not be: -A Voodoo Walrus head logo redesign -A picture involving Marron rocking full plate armor and sword and shield beside a scantily clad sorceress Mirth -Something based on Shmeerm's Dr. Frank N' Furter outfit. -Like us on the Voodoo Walrus Facebook page! We're actually using the damn thing now! -We're going to slowly start working on getting more awesome freebie stuff on the site, like various avatars and desktop wallpapers for you guys to snag. Because we love you. -PDF Volume 2 is still in the works. It's just slow on my end as art for is like third down in priority after overdue commissions and the usual weekly Walrus pages. But we'll get there. -After today, there's maybe only three more pages left of the Entropy 101 story arc. So getting ready, before the month's over we're going to have to go back to the future. Or the present. Or... somewhere. Time is funny. -Oh, and the usual shameless self promotions: BUY OUT AWESOME T-SHIRTS BUY OUR VOLUME 1 PDF THAT ALSO HAS AWESOME EXCLUSIVE ART AND COMMENTARY YOU CAN'T FIND ONLINE BUY PRINTS OF (ALMOST) ANY VOODOO WALRUS PAGE! EMAIL US FOR MORE DETAILS!

0 thoughts on “Entropy 101 29: Impending Extinction Event

  1. Rip knows his priorities.

    1. I don’t know, Grymm arguing the importance of Stegosaurus vs Anklyosaurus is pretty darn important in this case.
      Right after the fact said Stegosaurus is missing.

      1. Yes, but Rip is an ass. His priorities are /his/ priorities.

  2. Also on the note of Importance.

    I really do not think they want to examine the dreams of the likes of Grymm or CK. I really do not. What they will find there will drive them to madness, gibbering into the dark, where they will curl up and cry themselves to sleep every night.

    1. Why do you think I will never go to Virginia again? Why do you think I sleep over an electrified pentagram? Why do you think I run screaming at the sight of papayas?
      I have seen what lies in their minds – and I will never be alright again.

      1. Ooooooh… So YOU were the man in the charcoal duster and balaclava, carrying the briefcase covered in ancient glowing runes who offered us free dream analysis last year. Who then ran off screaming into the night.
        See, that’s why we started laughing uncontrollably at the offer. You should just told us it was you. We would’ve passed on the analysis and simply dragged you to Vito MacSullivan’s to try their limited edition Irish stew calzones. And if you had asked nice, we would’ve even taken you to see Billy the Devil. He’s all too happy to have new guinea pigs for his alchemical caffeinated concoctions.

        1. Can ya blame a guy for trying? Trying to glimpse what lies beneath…

  3. Apparently pudding is a trigger for Rip.

    Do I even want to know?

    1. He’s had less than pleasant experiences…

  4. OH FUCK THE ENEMA and PUDDING PAGE WITH THE GUY WHO LOOKS LIKE TOXIC WASTE DUMP! I had blocked that page out of my mind. Why the fuck did I ask about the pudding? OMFG!!! WHY!!! *GAHHHH* D:

    1. Gramma Eyepatch has that effect on people. That terrible, can’t repress it fast enough effect.

      1. *Curled up in a ball…*

        That’s correct.

        1. welcome to my world… the site triggers convulsive twitching

        2. sight*

          Right-o time for bed so I can start my Halloween seasonal work

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