41: Getting the Best of an Angry Tattooed Woman. Abbreviated

Archival post of an old comic.

5 thoughts on “41: Getting the Best of an Angry Tattooed Woman. Abbreviated

  1. Gotta say, loving your comic, and this is only the beginning. Made me laugh harder then all hell. But what happened to Mac’s epic tattoos?

    1. Our kind thanks! It always warms my chilly blood to see another comment pop up!

      Ah, the disappearing tattoos was a major oversight on my art doing the art that’ll get fixed during the process of uploading the remastered versions of these old pages. Probably within the next few days this version will disappear and a version with the proper tattoos and the spiffy better looking word balloons like in the first 30 some pages will be up!

  2. Michael Alexander Reaper

    rereading this is fun and wood chippers+pig farm= no evidence

  3. I can’t tell if Shmeerm is committing sexual harassment, or making a threat. Either way, it’s uncomfortable, but in a funny way.

    1. With Shmeerm, flirting, sexual harassment, and threats are all pretty much the same language. But at least he believes in a person’s right to choose.

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