Resignation Letter 1

Grymm Ramblings

Some days are good. Other days are bad. Then there's the occasional day when the creative team that earns you the most money and is the most fun for you to abuse sends your personal meat slave a crate full of another of your meat slaves clad in latex undergarments and you find that they've enclosed an envelope just for you... Full of, amongst other things, their resignation letter that the more unstable of the two, has scribbled all over. Mr. Cyradwee is having one of those kind of days... On a more serious note though, you may notice that the site's gone through a couple of changes. The lovely and talented Marron has returned from space to do some maintenance and updates to the site infrastructure. We've also made an addition over to the left of the page that I'd like to direct you to. Its a nifty little button labeled "Donate". Do we NEED your money to continue running? No. Are we broke and begging? Hell no. Are you expected to donate? Of course not. Think of it as a kind of tip jar. If you're enjoying the content and want to really show how much you love the Walrus, and want to oil the gears of maintenance and upkeep a little, then throw a few bucks our way. It'll all go to making the site and the content better.

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