The Revenge of Captain Thud 1: The Legend of the Gaga

Grymm Ramblings

You may not remember E.K. Chances are you never saw his first appearance since it happened in the very first incarnation of Voodoo Walrus which is now considered to be part of a hazy non-canonical yet kinda canonical miasma and does not show up in the current archive.

However, he has appeared more recently.

Also, we here at Voodoo Walrus dig the Gaga. Some of us really didn't want to at first. But we were eventually won over one at a time by one song of the other. She's just to bizarre not too enjoy. Also, I'm pretty sure she'd make for the most awesome real life super villain ever. Seriously. Look at her. Outlandish costumes. A fondness for shiny fetish wear. An entourage of faceless dancers/minions. Lady Gaga is everything Darkseid wants to be. And I'm pretty sure the Rah rah Gaga stuff is the real life equivalent of the Anti-Life Equation.

One thought on “The Revenge of Captain Thud 1: The Legend of the Gaga

  1. According to the Onion, she kidnapped the commisioner!

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