Eye’s Wide Open 21: Breaakthroughs

Grymm Ramblings

Had a lot of fun doing the art for this one. For the next one too! You can actually check out the rough art for the next page right now on the Voodoo Walrus Patreon. This is one of the those pages where I really wish I had animating skills. That first panel would have involved a couple of Maggie-goo blobs dropping down into the rest of the puddle. And Eichholtz taking a couple steps from off panel before Mass' powers snag him off his feet. Oh well. It is what it is. For now. Next page, 100% more Mirth than this page! Stay tuned!

0 thoughts on “Eye’s Wide Open 21: Breaakthroughs

  1. Okay I love the art in thus comic but gonna give a shout out to the writer this time. I love that phrase “you will know the pain of a dying star”. Love that line. Good job there lord crrepknight

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