Extra Credit 46: Exit Stage Left

Grymm Ramblings

If you follow the Facebook page or the Patreon, then you'll know this page has actually been done for a little over the week. Sorry about the delay, life is a whole thing that keeps happening.

It hasn't been a great past week art wise. Not a lot of time or peace in which to get things done. I've honestly spent too much time playing sudoku on my phone and looking at animated short on youtube.

Good news is, by the time you read this, the roughs for the next page will be up for preview on the Patreon, so at least things are moving right along.

Also, speaking of animated shorts, I found this gem of a channel a few days ago. It's heavily reminiscent of Lord Bung's Containment series in visual style and I'm here for it.

That's all from me. Back to my Art Wizardry.

I love you all.

2 thoughts on “Extra Credit 46: Exit Stage Left

  1. Rip, you impulsive, incompetent, megalomaniacal FOOL.

    1. That fact that Rip actually does survive to adulthood is probably the most fantastical and improbable thing in this comic about magic, interdimensional horrors, and superheroes.

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