Wrath of Con 3: Insert Witty Title Here

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0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 3: Insert Witty Title Here

  1. Much as I like this battle of greats, you may want to wrap it up soon. It’s getting dangerously close to being some kind of lame anime stunt.

    1. Ticker, quick word of advice. Never suggest what creators should, or should not do with their own property. We’re here first and foremost to tell an awesome story WE want to tell. And I will personally always find offense to having any of my work even slightly compared to anime.

      That said, everyone tuck in for 45 pages of the Masked T-Square summoning Goku who will in turn summon one of those energy ball things that takes 75 pages to create! Thanks for the idea Ticker! Everyone, show your appreciation!

    2. Ticker I’ve said this before and will say it again. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! If you don’t like what going on with the Walrus, find another fucking comic. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

      1. *gets Will B a gin and tonic*
        Easy, man. Chances are, he just wants attention. Drink now, plot vengeance later.

        1. *sips the drink while muttering* In his sleep with a rabid weasel and poison flowers.

        2. *imagines combinations of rabid weasel and poison flowers – begins to drink in earnest*

    3. Dude, quit being a whiney little twat. Grimm & C.K. keep up the wonderful work.

  2. This combines the best of tentacle porn with my fetish for long hair I’m not going to rush the greatness that is the duo of Creepknight and Grymm. Those who try will probably run afoul of mad science.

    1. And no one wants that. And besides, sweet violence!

  3. Hairshido for the win!!!

  4. So, were they both exposed to the Terrigen Mists?
    (Props if you get the reference.)

    1. So you’re saying they’re…INHUMAN! Something, something, rhymes with Medusa.

      1. Correct-amundo my Liechtenstinian compadre!!

  5. Yeeep, I’m going back to the bunker. Which hopefully most of the snacks in it haven’t gone bad.

    1. Well Lance if your using the same bunker March built for you should have another six months of snacks for four before they go stale.

      1. You mean the one I’m hiding in? Yep, well-stocked. Bring some tequila, would ya?

  6. is Grymm wearing a Flyers jersey?

    1. After having had to google up what a “Flyers” is, I can officially say that nope he is not. He’s just wearing an orange long sleeve shirt with stripey bits.

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