Entropy 101 22: More Important Information

Walrus Wigglings CreepKnight's ill. Not full blown bed ridden sick, but just a bit under the weather. As in 'the castle is now almost completely out of tissues despite the fact that the castle is usually a little on the overstocked side of having tissues' type of sick. But because he loves you all, he fought through blurred vision and sneezing and other unspeakable symptoms to make sure the script was finalized and the lettering was done. So send him your love. I'm going to go work on commissions while listening to Marilyn Manson.  

0 thoughts on “Entropy 101 22: More Important Information

  1. The mongoose is nourished by starlight.

    1. Preach it brother!

  2. Get well soon, CK. Wow…I want one of Node’s toys now.

  3. I totally missed the Baby Plucky reference there the first time. Well done!

  4. My shirt is magic? My shirt is voodoo? That… actually explains some things. Wondrous, inexplicably sexy things…

    Feel better, CK. Take some time off, snort some Tabasco, rest up.

    1. No sleep for CK, I will haunt your hookah!

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