Wrath of Con 38: Hotel Sex

Grymm Ramblings

At this time, I'd like to take the opportunity to simply mention that we do appreciate comments and feedback even if we don't have the chance to respond or say as much. I'd also like to make mention that the Volume 1 PDF chock full of exclusive content is still on sale and available HERE. All profits go towards making sure the site's hosting costs are paid. Anything extra is put towards physical materials used for making the comic. One last thing I'd like to mention that if you enjoy Voodoo Walrus, and you the type of person who likes to show their appreciation via donating to webcomics, you can donate to the Voodoo Walrus Paypal HERE. Or by clicking the big Walrus head picture to the side of the site*.  Hell, you don't even need an actual Paypal account to do so. Neat huh? Join us next week for more chaos as the panel part of the story draws to a close.   *And as history has shown, I unfortunately need to add the disclaimer that Voodoo Walrus will NEVER become a pay site and like wise Voodoo Walrus will NEVER  be held ransom until fans raise  certain amount of money. Donations are not mandatory. They are a nice stress relieving convenience though.

0 thoughts on “Wrath of Con 38: Hotel Sex

  1. Awwww…. That’s mean, Marron. This is possibly the first time in the comic (that I can recall) Grymm has shown an interest in sex. I probably missed previous ones because of CK’s more vocal interest in it.

  2. Okay, I think that Grymm i still being affected by his ‘Fun’ and As for Ck, I respect your beliefs, but I worship Santa Christ!!

  3. This reminds me of why I love the Walrus, and its sticky embrace: Enemies that not only recall ‘will it blend’ as they slaughter, but fountain the survivor’s in the results. It makes me weepy with awe and inspiration.

    I’ll take five dozen.

  4. They love us. They really love us… In a warm and soft way. A way where in the middle of the night you lean over. And sniff their hair to smell their warm deliciousness. But you hold back. and wait till the morning to ask about shared canibilism because that is what a gentleman does. Ask first.

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