Extra Credit 5: Frogthwacking Through the 90’s

Grymm Ramblings

Hey everybody, sorry that this update ran a week late. Some health issues threw us off our game there for a bit.

First, let me go ahead and plug the Patreon as usual. You can pop over there right now to see all the work in progress phases of the page after this one.

Or check out the latest behind the scenes stuff for the ConQuest of the Aerolith-Mortus project.

You can even subject yourself to the horror of all new CreepKnight vs. Crow strips and Cast Confessionals.

No matter what tier of weirdness you choose to support, we promise not to pass judgment. We also promise to use for the proceeds to just keep making more of the weird madness you've come to love from us.

Now that the shameless plugging is over, time to plug others. Worthikids is an animator and music maker on youtube. Their music has more or less fueled the last few pages worth of VW art. Absolutely gorgeous stuff. They made an entire concept album loosely based on Shrek. You know you need that shit in your life.

That's enough from me right now. Time to go back to coaxing visual nuggets of horror from the swirling ether.

We love you all.

P.S. Lemon Kitkats are kinda gross.

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