Kill Your Heroes 86: WHITEOUT

Grymm Ramblings

This is the last page of the Kill Your Heroes arc. Good lord. There were honestly points over these past few years that I feared we'd never see this come to pass. Our lives are completely and terrifyingly different than they were when Kill Your Heroes began. It's incredible. Don't worry though, we're no where close to done. Next page is in production now! And it's badger-rific. If you want to keep up with the production phases of the comic and see it the moment it's complete, support us on Patreon! All patrons on the $5 and higher tiers get to see behind the scenes stuff, early comics, and other goodies! To those of you who have kept up with us through all the hiatuses and radio silences, thank you. To those that have fallen away forever and will never see this, we understand. To newcomers, welcome. To everyone, we love you all and hope to bring you so much more entertainment and squirmy terror in the years to come.  

0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 86: WHITEOUT

  1. *DING*
    Achievement unlocked:
    Crowbar to the Robin-
    Completed Kill your heroes. Good job.

    (Seriously congrats to getting here guys, been a lot of ups and down waiting this long and WHAT a cliff hanger.)

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