Entropy 101 18: Voyeurism in the Heart of Darkness

Musings of a CreepKnight

Writer's Note: We determined, through trial and error, that the sound effect of the creatures moving would have just been silly to add in here, as it would not have fully expressed the creepiness of the noise we imagined. For the full effect of this comic, do the following:

1. Get a piece of wax or parchment paper in the three inch square.

2. Fold it in half.

3. Place the folded edge between your lips and hold it there on a single edge.

4. Hum a low B flat, if you can. If not, use the lowest note you're capable of.

5. Imagine the sound of a slug moving amplified x1000.

6. Crinkle the paper slowly.

7. Combine all of these sounds in your imagination.

That's the closest I can get to approximating the sound of these...things chasing Vensik and Rook! down a hallway.

Sleep well, liebchen.

0 thoughts on “Entropy 101 18: Voyeurism in the Heart of Darkness

  1. I’m reminded of the movie “Slither” and the noises those slug mutants make

  2. This scene gives me an art happy. And a writing happy. I’m really bloody happy.

    Seeing as we’ve well and ascertained that CK can sing (like a boss), can we get that wonderful creepy rhyme from the last page sung for all to hear? Crinkling, humming wax paper towards the close?

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