Extra Credit 1: After School Plans

Grymm Ramblings

I legit have so much to say about this page. Bear with me folks. This has easily been my favorite page to work on in a long time. And CreepKnight's writing and lettering put it over the top. I didn't realize just how exhausted I was of the Kill Your Heroes and Eye's Wide Open settings until this page. High school Bowler? ADORABLE. Rook with cornrows? Disgusting but oh so right for him. Grymm with a giant pompadour that twitches (check the placement of those ends in the front. Oh yeah. They're twitching)? Fuck yes. Node rocking a variation of Patrick McGoohan's outfit from the Prisoner? Bestill my heart. And the waitress. Fuck was she fun to cobble together on the fly. As CreepKnight put it "She's just weird looking enough to be off-putting, but she's not horrifying." Right down to her little Reynard brand notepad gizmo. I really enjoyed working on this one and I'm enjoying the next one too. Here's hoping all of you wonderful folks out there enjoy the ride with us. Now, Patreon stuff... This page started a new Patreon thing I've dubbed "Art-to-Heart". I'm going in and recording as much of the art process as I can and making commentary while I do so. This batch of videos have me giving art tips and insights, me rambling about VW ideas left on the cutting room floor, and anecdotes about CreepKnight and I hassling locals. They range from 20 minutes to an hour long each depending on what I'm trying to knock out and whether the beagle gets bored and noisy. So now you can support our horrible endeavors AND be entertained by my audio and viwual oddities! We love you all. See you next time!  

0 thoughts on “Extra Credit 1: After School Plans

  1. Been following VW for years now. That I don’t understand the story or a single fukin thing that’s going on doesn’t stop me from enjoying it. Needs more nekkid wimmen tho, that’s an observation and not a criticism.

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