Kill Your Heroes 1: In the Desert Wastelands of Western Virginia…

Grymm Ramblings

So, shall we do a little catching up on things? Like how the SPC (SuperPowers Council) assigned the Mass to Richmond a good while ago. Or maybe like how Swineheart's Henchpiggies were getting into position well before the invasion began? Or how about some of said Henchpiggies winding up with a key to the city because the Masked T-Square is terrible judge of character? Then we saw a little of the porkvasion while other things like catharsis and recreational bondage were happening. Meanwhile, the guys were being thoroughly sold out. Assaulted. AssaultING. Forcibly shaved and made to watch as a dear friend's throat is slit. And tranquilized at sex-point. Rip, despite his best/worst efforts and almost utter ignorance, was not very helpful... And so here we are. Let's get this party started.   Tranquilized at Sex-Point is getting added to my list of ridiculous fake band names.

0 thoughts on “Kill Your Heroes 1: In the Desert Wastelands of Western Virginia…

  1. That IS a great fake band name. And it results in a pronounceable acronym (because most people would rather invent a acronym and speak in code than use long band names….idiots).

  2. I am intrigued and mystified by the name of the new Arc as well as the fact we are once more into the future, the boys have been kidnapped -I presume- and I am suddenly quite glad I don’t live in Richmond as I might murder someone if I lacked bacon and bacon products.

  3. Awolnation is a tag. Awolnation is a chapter title page. This is a good day.

  4. If anyone tried to steal my bacon I would introduce them to long pork… their own. NO ONE STEALS MY BACON! NOT EVEN MY FAMILY… Damn you Uncle Robin… Damn you to HELL.

  5. And I have a good feeling the bad guys are going to learn why capturing people is for chumps unless you are ransoming. The best revenge is shooting someone in the face and buying stuff with their money.

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