Academy Award Winning Comic 14: Misery-gasm Interlude

Grymm Ramblings

The last time we saw Mac Little and the ever lovable Shmeerm, they were responsible* for destroying Infernum Publishing and capturing Cyradwee for whoever it is they're getting their marching orders from. If you're wondering if all they've been doing is fucking ever since, well, chances are you're right. The Academy Award Winning Comic story arc isn't over yet. Tuesday we're going right back in to it. And its going to get pretty interesting, pretty damn fast. A lot of things are going to be weaving together in the coming month folks. I hope you're ready. We know what we're doing. And what we're doing is awesome. Trust us.   *The traitorous Infernum ninja pair of Dave and Phil, and the 57 Badass Brigade also helped.  

0 thoughts on “Academy Award Winning Comic 14: Misery-gasm Interlude

  1. Michael Alexander Reaper

    Huzzah boobies!!

  2. Sirs, you TRULY know how to distract from a drama build up. Also, I’ve been meaning to ask this, how the HELL did Mac lose her arm and replace it with a robotic arm? I can’t find it ANYWHERE in the archives!

    1. No worries! You’re not going insane and we haven’t cut anything out. Its just one of those things that happened “offscreen” as it were. Kinda like how Cyradwee went from looking rather normal, to being fanged, pupiless, and scarred up.

      For now, its a mystery. But we’ll touch on it eventually!

      1. Cyradee was ALWAYS fanged and had no pupils. And I assumed the scarring was from the various surgeries he had to cure his “allergies”.

  3. I know they’re bad guys but that’s hot. Thank you gentlemen. I was wondering when the comic would see more scantily clad ladies in PVC.

  4. ಠ_ಠ I see what you did there. Also, I like Shmeerm’s new hairstyle.

  5. I’m truly impressed she manages to match her clothes with her hair, a good fashionista matches shoes and purses. She matches her entire look to her wardrobe. What a pleasant way to break some tension…though Sheerm looks a bit silly, even if the collar is a nice touch.

  6. When there is too much drama cut too the boobies… I GET IT NOW! ALL HARD CORE PORN STARTS AS EPISODES OF DAWSON CREEK!

    1. Exactly! Spread the knowledge!

  7. It probably wouldn’t be too hard. All Shmeerm would have to do is find the people she hates and pound the crap out of them.


  8. Shmeerm, I love your hairstyle, and of course your taste in women….hmmm….the day is young, must go find me a girl with Misery-Gasm’s and a whole bunch of hate to go arounbd

    1. Ask if she has a friend.

  9. I’ve never heard of Misery-Gasm before, and it seems I’ve been missing something. Now, on to the fan-fic conventions – so much potential for misery…
    As to Shmeerm’s new scars, has Mac been getting her misery on? Or is this the price of screwing a woman with a cybernetic war-prosthesis?

  10. On a completely unrelated note, has anyone watched the movie Rubber? >>

    1. CK and I happened upon the trailer for it a few months back. I can’t say I’ve seen the movie itself yet though. Then again, I have the habit of not getting around to see movies until 3-5 years after they’ve been out.

    2. Oh! That is the movie with the killer tire! I want to see that one at some point but I have not yet.

      1. CK just yelled up to me from the Movie Dungeon that ‘Rubber’ is now in fact up on Netflix for streaming. What a happy coincidence! Gonna have to check it out sometime next week after I do a shit ton of commission work.

        1. You say “Movie dungeon” and I picture a vaulted ceiling room with a screen where movies are projected and the furniture all has bondage uses.

        2. I shall have to watch it at some point, most likely with the Tiny Sparkly one.

        3. This is actually why I mentioned it, I watched it the day I posted the question with a friend, she loved it.

  11. I thought Mac seemed to fave a cybernetic arm in some of the earlier strips and sometimes didn’t, so I thought it might be a power gauntlet or some such. This comic proves that theory wrong. It looks to be a good piece of cybernetic gear. Not as good as my work of coerce.

    1. Actually, I have to step up and take the blame on this one. Any occasion AFTER initially showing her robot arm, of her having a human arm again is pure ARTISTFAIL. Me totally forgetting to draw the arm.

      Mac has actually gotten way more from the business end of ARTISTFAIL than anyone between me forgetting which eye has the scar, forgetting to sometimes put her tattoos in (though that was mainly a problem back in the B&W days) and of course the arm.

      1. She exists in a world where costume makeup and a high end “sleeve” for that arm are plausible. I never questioned whether it was an oops when something changed.

      2. Ah. Basically the opposite of my theory. It was 110 here in Minnesota at the time I saw this page, and my comfort zone is more like 75 so I thought my mind might have been playing tricks with my memory of past pages.

  12. Oh man, now this was a drama breaker. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not exactly a fan of drama breakers, but I’m not into the sappy, “make issues” kind of drama. But this also has a dark side. From this comic, I’m experiencing a strange burning sensation in my eyes… Wait…

    Nope, now I’m blind. Thanks Grymm and CK! Now I can’t see… Maybe this can be seen in a positive light… Ha, made a funny.

    Looking forward to the dark days ahead…
    The General

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