Hobo-Geddon: Epilogue- The Sequel


No new Voodoo Walrus today. I (Grymm) ended up having to catch up on sleep and thusly failed to get the coloring done. Check back in a day or so.

Musings of a CreepKnight

I know it's late, but it's still Tuesday so... it still counts. For the record, posted without Grymm's knowledge, so let's see how long it takes for him to notice it's up. Ssshhh, no ratting me out.

Grymm Ramblings

Stealth update eh? Excellent. I'm all for streamlining the process. Looks like all that is Hobo-Geddon is about to have that wet, slapping, smacking sound of finality come later this week. There's one last strip we want to do to close this thing out and then we'll be shambling off in a new direction. Its currently 7am and I am a very tired Grymm that's been awake and inking all night... Someone should magically summon me up a Coke and a pizza and a shower all without me having to move. One of you readers out there has to have that kind of power and an all-powerful love for me getting everything I want... Right? Back Friday-ish for "Hobo-Geddon... THE END".

One thought on “Hobo-Geddon: Epilogue- The Sequel

  1. “I won’t tell if you don’t.” No rat here. I like the comic, it’s pretty funny. Nice job guys!!! I’m working on my powers of telekinesis, telepathy, the Force. One of these days I’ll conjure up that shower, Coke, and pizza for you. It will magically appear, all at once and you’ll have a soggy pizza. At least I won’t do it while you take a bubble bath 🙂

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