Wrath of Con 49: Arguments We’ve Seen Used Online

Grymm Ramblings

Hiya folks. Long time. no talk eh? Looks like we're back in the saddle proper and updating when we're supposed to update again! I thought I had something of interest to say but... I guess I don't. Here, have some new art from the Surrealis Grymmoire!     Sage of the Western Ridge by ~GrymmGrymmowski on deviantART   Neat right? Not much else to report. My time recently has been devoted to not being sick, drawing, and watching a massive amount of animation. Oooh ooh! That's what I wanted to talk about, animation! Animation is awesome again! At some point in the past few years cartoons on TV stopped sucking and finally got away from the garbage that makes up most of Adult Swim and Nickelodeon and now it makes me all happy again. I'm not going to go into a lenghty overview of the how and why and what so here's a list of awesome stuff that you should totally check out if you haven't yet. -Adventure Time: Weird and quirky iced with some serious mental scarring. Bubblegum princesses and talking dogs hide a world devastated by a global extinction level event, mass mutagenic disasters, and a god among men who doesn't even know who he is any more. -Avatar: Legend of Korra: The successor to Avatar the Last Airbender. A glorious follow-up to an amazing series. Everything that made the first series brilliant is utilized again, but even better. Plus, it's steampunky and a bit darker in tone. -Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: It's like they took everything good about each of the major incarnations of the franchise from before and distilled it all into what a Turtles series should be. Also contains the best incarnation of Master Splinter ever. -Regular Show: Dude. I don't even. It's just- It's special. It's mindless. It's hilarious. It's slackers perpetually bringing about nigh end of the world type scenarios from mundane origins and having to fix it. But I can see it being a hit of miss type of taste. -Gravity Falls: It's Twin peaks meets X-Files meets Supernatual. It's consistently funny, cute, and beautifully made. It's just one bit of proof that Disney has finally regained some of it's former glory. -Motorcity: A dystopian future smorgasbord of eye candy. Underground rebels fight for freedom for the decaying ruins of old Detroit against the oppressive boot heel of a corporate overlord who rules over his shiny, new "Detroit Deluxe" with an iron fist. From the same mind that brought us Megas XLR and Downtown. -Scooby-Doo Mystery Incorporated: Brilliant series. And this coming from a guy who has despised every incarnation of the Scooby franchise he's ever seen. It does everything right. It's also surprisingly dark and threatening to the the Scooby gang.     Strap in everyone, we've got some interesting twists in this whole convention story coming up. And a couple things I just know people have been waiting to see happen for a long time.

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