A Clockwork Drag Queen 5

Grymm Ramblings

I'm lovin' this story arc. I really am.

Musings of a CreepKnight

In a perfect world, we'd all wear vinyl suits crafted for each one of us individually. They would be composed of special molecules that would change color to reflect our moods. Mine would be black, purple, green, and blue, with occasional splotches of red on those days when I'm not quite myself. I would have bracers of the finest silver, wrapped in cloth underneath so that my wrists wouldn't chafe. My facial hair would grow or recede upon command, saving me that pesky time I have to spend shaving. I would wear a crown of miniature skulls, preferably monkey skulls as they would look more human than rat skulls. They wouldn't have to be real, just look real enough to fool a weak-willed onlooker.

Also I would ride a Pterodactyl. His name would be Mortimer and he would live atop my tool shed.

In my perfect world we're all spacemen, Tesla is a god, and nothing is ever permanent.

-- Dreams of the Clockwork Drag Queen

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