Hobo-Geddon: On Tiny Wings

Grymm Ramblings

Jibba-jibba hey! Jibba-ho! Jibba hi! Gibba-gibba-gibba gooba bah bah bah dobeedoobee dah dah dah dah dah dah.


We're coming close to an end here folks! Hobo-Geddon will soon be over and our latest master plan will unfold from there. I highly suggest you prepare yourself by taking a look back through the archives since The Dread Beast of Continuity shall once more be shambling out of its muck encrusted cave of despair and depravity.

Until then, guard your loins. Cause Hobo-Geddon just gets weirder from here.

One thought on “Hobo-Geddon: On Tiny Wings

  1. Got poked to hell once. Needless to say, there was no second date.

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