Extra Credit 26: Give ‘Em A Hand

Grymm Ramblings

Been a bit eh folks?

That's all my fault. I decided to finally pull the hammer on my long simmering queer fantasy comic project "ConQuest of the Aerolith-Mortus". That in turn became me spending all of May shoving out concept stuff and finally dragging the first page out of my brain meats and into the harsh light of day.

Good news is, that first page is done and the second page is under way. Also good news, if you like the sound of a comic that starts off with an illegal disaster wizard and a cyborg mechanic attempting to save a town from ancient doom and cultists, then you can check out the first page and a TON of lore and concept stuff by hitting up my personal Patreon page. You get all that and more* if you're a $1 a month member. Anything higher than that gets you monster stickers. Pretty much like how the Walrus Patreon works now.

ConQuest will eventually go up online for all to see, but I want to get at least a couple more pages done before I release it into the wild. So it's up to you.

I want to say that me working on ConQuest won't interfere with VW too much, but I've already disproven that. All I can ask is you forgive me as I work to find the balance between the two projects and learning some new software at the same time.

Thank you. We love you all.


*The more in question is a behind the scenes looks at some commission pieces I've done. Like the Mothman pinup piece I just roughed out. Yes. Mothman. Pinup. The words "Look at that plump juicy ass!" have been uttered by those who have seen it.


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