Drivin’ Miss Spooky 2: Buttery Garlic Cheese Biscuits

Grymm Ramblings

I think now would be a good time to mention something concerning the recent narrative we've been utilizing. Especially since there's been a couple of comments that've made us realized that a few people out there may not realize exactly what's going on.

Basically, every thing since THIS PAGE on through to what's going on now is all one huge overarching story arc. Each smaller arc is happening after the previous or in some cases during. For example, the pages in which we last saw Bowler were happening at the about the same time as the grocery shopping arc was in full swing. There is a point to all of this though.


Nope. Sorry. If that's your reaction then we're going to show you the door because one, we don't tolerate that kind of complete lack of communication skills and two, its not a change. At all. Its us refining what we started last year. Remember how last year every storyarc pretty much revolved around Grymm and CreepKnight being on the road, being attacked by Cyradwee and Mac's cronies and Bowler setting off to find them and bring them back? That was all one giant storyline. Nearly entire year's worth. So we're doing it again. Only this time we're refining what we do to tell an even better story.

So kick back. Relax. Maybe browse a ways back through the archives. Cause we have the next few months stapled down and we're going to throw you a few curve balls that we don't even expect you to see coming.

In the meantime, I have commissions and next week's comics to work on.


We never did get enough proof that enough people would want a Tit Peddler shirt to warrant a pre-order so we're just going to put it up on Red Bubble and try again with a new t-shirt design next month possibly.Tit Peddler tees will be available next week. We want to add something to it first though to warrant the extra cost of it.

0 thoughts on “Drivin’ Miss Spooky 2: Buttery Garlic Cheese Biscuits

  1. Well Rip congratulations. You have just joined the I fucked up club. Of course those of us in the club would beat you to death for a)fucking up so bad and more importantly b) you pissed off bowler. Hope you enjoy your brief stay in the story cause boy oh boy you a dead fucker if we get our hands on you. Sincerely, Will B president of the fucked up bad club.

    1. And as Chief of Operation of the Fucked Up Bad Club, and President for life of the Chaos Society, you’re a dead man. The things that inhabit the shadows have learned your name. Hobos that like to ‘play with they food’ know your scent. But don’t fear death, buddy Rip – fear everything that happens right before then.

      -Sincerly, Marchosias, Grand Marquis of somewhere you don’t wanna be.

      1. As Mistress of Equipment and for the Fucked up Bad Club and weilder of dark energies and beings of time and space I would like to add I am making sure to equip all the men and women hunting you down with a nidogg apiece and of course the bowie knife, a set of poison darts and a throwing stars and naturally my own blend of energies in a grenade.

        Enjoy your slow painful doom and sibsequent loss of soul~ Rose, wearer of the corset.

        AS for you Bowler, fuck ‘im! You can do better! *cheers for sexy women in leather/latex dress*

        1. Rose dear don’t forget the filet knives. Need them bone thin and razor sharp please. Want his hide tacked to the wall for curing afterwards. Of course if he still alive while being skinned would add to the overall soul torturing despair he will feel.

        2. Wow, I think this is a record for how fast the Walrus Embracer mob form for destruction of a character!

        3. Probably so – the first threats coming in scant minutes after posting.
          You have to give us points for organization, though. Screw the parliamentary system.

        4. Of course not~! I had my ratty minions sharpen them well just last eve. They’re all ready along with a pack of hide curing solution for that in the field and on the go hide tanning and curing~!

          And many thanks oh Grymm~ AS for you Mr. Clown, would you like some of my special grenades to go with that collection of Boom?

        5. Wait. What am I being thanked for? I was simply expressing my confusion over how fast a character went on “The List”.

        6. I’ll bring the sabers and razor wire. Do we need tequila or bourbon or the post-hunt toast?

        7. I prefer Plum Wine or Sake, but if I must choose, bourbon. I’m not a fan of tequila in anything but a mixer.

          And you’re being thanked for acknowledging how fast we can rally to make it known we desire to maim a character. It warms my heart.

        8. Soooooo… Now would be a bad time to mention how May through August is going to focus on the new Rip n’ Rook spin off adventure titled “Bro’s Booze, and Babes”?

        9. Very likely oh Grymmy one. We’re likely to rampage over the continental Us, obtain Passports and Visa and continue our Rampage over the world before settling down to drink ourselves silly and burn effigies of the offenders.

        10. I take it you still desire Rooks head then? That being the only reason to suggest such a spin off of course. Already have the passport ready rRose and the best black market can buy for March and Merch.

        11. *shrug* “Comic Rook” and ” Fucker who denied me a week of walrusy awesome” are not the same entity though both are loathsome for their own reasons.

        12. Huzzah! That makes us feel better about keeping Comic Rook around! Seeing as there’s already been long term plans made for him.

        13. I wouldn’t be able to respect you guys as artists if you felt the need to drop a character just based on rabid fan hatred of the real world counterpart.

        14. *bows* And you, Rose, for the mounting posse.

        15. Too kind good sir, too kind~ *tips fedora to*

    2. As Official Hunter of the You Fucked up Bad Club, i will personal enjoy the hunt for you….tracking you as you endlessly (and unnecessarily) run from me, thinking you can escape. you will be begging for death before i get to you.

      -Mercenary Clown, Owner of lots of sharp and pointy things, and Owner of lots of things that go BOOM!

  2. Is it just me, or is Bowler sexy when she’s angry?

    1. No, its not just you. I’ve heard multiple people say that over the past couple of years!

      1. She a hottie

        1. Well said!

        2. Indubitably. Did I get that right? Is it a word? I think I heard it on the BBC….

        3. Yep! That looks good!

        4. Undoubtedly!!!

        5. You ain’t bad looking yourself.

        6. I was talking to Marron with that last one.

  3. Sexy in that dangerous I’m gonna rip out your spleen kinda way. Wait that is the ultimate sexy.

  4. I think I had a similar conversation with an ex… now he’s afraid to go home because a mob is waiting for him.

  5. How is one able to join the Fucked Up Bad Club? Or is that a club you don’t want to join?

    1. For membership in Fucked Up Bad Club one must pass a written and oral exam. One must also at one time or another fucked themselves so bad that the hurt was felt throughout the cosmos, without intentionally hurting another. See the Mistress of Equipment for an application.

      1. *smiles at sweetly, forms ready* Step right this way~ Oh! If you’re a lady you must own a fancy hat wear and/or a corset~

        If a sir you must own a fancy hat and/or a lovely mustache~

        Once this is confirmed fill out these forms and sign away your life to the cause! Completely non-profit and for the use of the Walrus to rain chaos and maim their maligners.

        1. Board positions however, require a minimum of two months commenting, and the pelt of a large, dangerous animal (for Texans, rabid armadillo)

          Optimists need not apply, death, dismemberment, and disillusion with mankind likely.

  6. Oh, shoot, I forgot to tell all
    “Happy Easter! Happy watching movies about little bunnies that poop jelly beans and go on a rebellious streak to play rock music. Happy Easter egg hunting and coloring, Or do you color, release, then hunt? I don’t know which. But anyways, Happy 3 day Weekend!”

    1. *does not get this wonderful weekend* Curse my place of imprisonment…

      1. Don’t feel bad. We don’t even really get weekends here. Weekends are just a couple more days to work on the Walrus for the next week, practice music, and work on commissions.

        1. Or bang your head against a desk, cursing writer’s block, and tear up rough drafts of stories that don’t work.
          Then hunt yuppies, using Starbucks as a watering hole. Narrate yourself like a wildlife special while stalking prey.

  7. *laughing* Man I love this site, it makes me feel better. It really does.

    1. Of course it does Rose, sweets. You have chaos and mayhem on tap. I’m Mayhem Marchosias is Chaos. How can we terrorize the norms today??

      1. Don’t forget torment. Mercenary Clown so good at that role. Or inspiration but then again that why we follows the Boys antics I guess. For inspiration. That or they just do a damn good comic. Hmmmm must think about that.

    2. Doesn’t it just? ‘night all…

  8. It used to be that Having 40 comments on a page didn’t really count in my mind because half of those were me or CreepKnight replying to someone else. Now 20 is being breached over an evening before we even get to look at them.
    I feel slightly proud on those occasions that I realize we have an entire COMMUNITY that’s been cultivated around the Walrus. I kinda want us to be able to hit cons just so we can brag about how we have the most dangerously loyal, ready to razor wire the wobbly bits of enemies of the comic, fanbase of any webcomic ever.

    Er… That’s not to say that any of you SHOULD razor wire anyone against the Walrus. I do not at all suggest or promote such things being done to an extent that we, the creators and operators of the Walrus are made aware of their occurrence.

    1. Trust me, If we did razor wire people for the Walrus, you’d never know. They’d be too ashamed to say where they were wired in the first place.

      1. Though there newly squeaky voices and something stuck up my bum walk might give them away.

        1. You’d never find them again if I got ahold of them first Boys. So no fear~ we shalt keep backlash off of the almighty Walrus, because if something permanent happened to prevent Walrus goodness, very likely the known world would end at the sheer concentrated wrath of us all right?

    2. I know what you mean, Grymm. Just over a year ago, twelve comments was a record. When there were four or so commenters, including yourself.
      Seeing this petri-dish-of-doom spiral into a full blown society has been interesting beyond words.
      So, as one of the original commenters, I say go, brag of our gleeful fanaticism. Brag of a community never off-point, and always well-written.

  9. What’s going on here? Last thing I remember was Cyber Sub Zero installing little spinning stars in Kitana’s head and now there’s a page of comments as long as my…

    As my…

    Well, it’s pretty long, whatever it is.

    Also, I need more questions for Ask CreepKnight.

    1. Speaking of that… Do me a favor and try to cut the volume down some on the screaming of “GET OVER HERE!” I’m tryin’ t’ draw up here man and yer over powerin’ my MY Chemical Romance listenin’.

      1. But… it’s no fun if I don’t scream the character’s lines.

        1. I know! All I’m saying is that you don’t have to use the bullhorn.

        2. Funny – Had just selected the ’95 film for my evening’s entertainment.
          Are you planting thoughts in my head again? If I dream of eating shoggoth-pudding one more time, I’m holding you accountable.

    2. im behind…im still enjoying the antics of Deadpool in another game franchise….
      “this is a hyper combo” and “Pineapple Surprise!” can be heard throughout the night…..

  10. Testing HTML, bear with me…

    If anyone is interested in seeing a video of the Amazing and Awesome Heather Bailey doing her silk dance while the Incredible Lauren Serpa and I play in the background… you can see it here.

    1. Link good CK. Just can’t get the video to buffer. Stupid ATT crap connection.

    2. You have a suprisingly good singing voice CreepKnight.

      1. Why’s that surprising Ticker?

        1. It is my personal observations and experience that any given person only has 2 marketable skills. You already have writing and razor sharp wit. So, statistically, you should suck at everything else. Also, happy easter! A day late!

        2. Nah. We’re fuckin’ Renaissance Men over here. Writing, art, acting, music-makin’, singin’, graphic and font design, various arts and crafts, cooking, and the ability to instantly loved by everyone. Even the people we’d prefer not to be loved by.

    3. Thanks for the video. I am not shocked to find that either of you have more skills than just those seen in the creation of Voodoo Walrus. maybe one day the audio/video will work right for you to post a video on youtube.

  11. i have missed much, now i return to bask in the walrusy glow. looking farward (posibly sideward) to ths year’s plot, good luck

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